Nov 21, 2024
Released Tower 8.5 (Build 8592) which brings several new features and improvements and can be downloaded from Download section of our website.
Mar 06, 2024
Tower 8.5 (Build 8572) has been released and can be downloaded from Download section of our website.
The most important new features are: combination scheme for road bridges (Eurocode regulations), "Direct orbit" which enables model rotation in the 3D view without calling the Orbit command ...
Complete list of new features of this new version is:
- In the Load Combination Scheme command, in addition to the existing combination scheme for buildings, it is now possible to create a combination scheme for road bridges (Eurocode regulations)
- "Direct orbit" - enabled model rotation in the 3D window (3D Orbit) without calling the Orbit command. For enabling this feature it is necessary to check the check box "Direct orbit" in the "Settings - Functionality", in the "Other" section. "Direct orbit" allows the model to rotate in the 3D window while holding down the left mouse button and moving the mouse.
- Generated load case reports can now include a list of (named) envelope load cases.
- As part of the "Information" command, which displays information about entities located under the mouse cursor, it is also possible to display information about nodes (number, coordinate, deformation vectors and oscillation form vectors)
- Change in the beam reinforcement adoption dialog - changing bars and other data in one of the zones no longer resets the user-defined segment lengths in other zones.
- New functions - "Calculation" and "Report" have been added to the masonry wall preview dialog, and the "Report" option has been added to the command line in the Masonry Wall Stress Control command.
- In the direct dynamic analysis (both seismic and dynamic load) in the damping setting parameters, the limits have been changed - alpha and beta damping factors now can be entered in the range of 0-100 and the unique damping coefficient from 0.001 to 0.99
- Added option to use arrow key combinations for command shortcuts (up, down, left right and Home and End) - if either Shift or Ctrl is pressed
- Among the commands for which it is possible to assign shortcuts, the commands for the Next load case and the Previous load case are included.
Oct 25, 2023
Released Tower 8.5 (Build 8535) which brings a quite number of new features.
The most significant new features brought by this new version are: seismic calculation of structures with non-linear behavior, IFC export has been significantly improved and the level of BIM compatibility has been increased, a new method (linear) has been added for combining seismic effects, mass grouping by levels with sloping surfaces is enabled,...
Complete list of new features in this update is:
- Seismic calculation of structures with non-linear behavior is enabled. This type of calculation is enabled for calculation procedures using the Lateral force method, or method of equivalent static load.
- From the generic EC8 regulation, four new seismic regulations (derived from the generic EC8 regulation for the transverse force method) were separated, Bulgarian, Croatian, Slovenian and Serbian. In the Serbian regulation, another default definition of the spectral curve described by the national annex was added.
- Significant improvement of the procedure for grouping masses by ceilings, which enabled the grouping of masses also by inclined surfaces (eg roof planes).
- A new method (Linear - "LIN") has been added for combining seismic effects - an alternative to SRSS combining. This method enables the automated creation of seismic combinations that are made in accordance with EC8 EN point 3. Eedx "+" 0.3 Eedy and 0.3Eedx "+" Eedy (with and without taking into account mass eccentricity)
- This method of combining seeks the highest possible value when adding up the absolute values of the influence of the seismic impacts, with one of them having a multiplier of 1, and all others 0.3.
- The option of automatically creating linear seismic load cases ("1+0.3") after calculation has been added to the dialogs for seismic calculation according to EC regulations.
- Significant improvement of IFC export, which achieved an extremely high degree of compatibility of the exported IFC file with the programs Revit, Archicad, Allplan, etc. In addition, structural elements (slabs, walls, beams and columns) are associated with data related to volumes, surfaces , dimensions, materials, cross sections.
- It is possible to limit seismic model's support multipliers (as well as the global support stiffness multiplier) only to the calculation of the modal analysis, and to perform the seismic calculation without taking them into account, enabling the reduction of the effects of "peaks" of influence in the foundations.
- Enabled creation of a moving load whose direction of action is specified in relation to the local coordinate system of the axis of the moving load. The moving load display in the dialog now matches the actual direction and orientation of the moving load on the first segment. Also, from now on, it is allowed that two loads have the same geometry, but it is necessary that their vector of action is different. (refers to line and surface loads).
- In the punching control of slabs at the end of the wall, added option for user input of the length of the edge zone of the wall has been introduced.
- EC8 Capacity Design - Changes in the check of exceeding the maximum percentage of tensioned reinforcement. If the adoption of reinforcement has not been carried out, the check is carried out with the computationally necessary. In case that there is required more tension reinforcement than is allowed, then the amount of compressed reinforcement is increased, so that their ratio stays at the limit. In the event that the adoption of the reinforcement has been carried out, the check of exceeding the maximum permitted percentage of the tensioned reinforcement is performed on the adopted reinforcement.
- EC8, Capacity Design - In the command for editing the critical zones, added option for multiple editing.
- For the surface load that acts over the system of line entities, it is possible to include the slab's contour or slab's hole contour as the member of the acting line entities system.
- In the EC8 Capacity Design reports, the display of data on the sensitivity factor and the coefficient of influence increase due to the consideration of second-order effects was introduced. The display of the VrdMax value was introduced, too.
- Improvement in the control of adopted reinforcement in beams concrete design. Now, when checking the coverage of the required reinforcement, another condition is also checked - condition when half of the angle bars from A1 and A2 are added to the corresponding ones belonging to A3 and A4 zones. In case that requirement is satisfied in this way, then it is considered to be covered.
- New options have been introduced in the load combining scheme: unification by simultaneity and unification by dominance.
- A new command has been introduced that can be used to convert walls into line (or point) loads.
- Four new "commands" (icons-switches) have been introduced - for instantly changing the visibility of beams, columns, slabs and walls (commands have been added in menu a and can be added as toolbar icons)
- Improvement in the export of 2D model assemblies - from now on, all existing auxiliary views of the model are also exported, along with its complex views are exported (only if all their subassemblies are exported).
- In the dialog for seismic calculation, it is possible to enter the Z coordinate of level of application of the seismic action (foundation or top of a rigid basement). This data is used to generate a report on the value of the total transverse force at that level (calculated by an approximate procedure)
- For glued laminated timber (material classes), the EN 14080:2013 regulations have been added to the timber material database and will be automatically added to the existing timber material database.
- In the modal analysis reports (in the oscillation period and oscillation shape reports), it is possible to display data on modal masses.
- In the Expert configuration, the maximum number of modal analysis tones has been increased from 250 to 900
- A change in the concrete design of the proxy entity, which makes it possible for the proxy entity to be calculated even if it has only one unknown armature in the section (in case there is at least one zone with known armature).
- Improvement in the display and orientation of the proxy entity cross section in the dialog as well as in its report.
- Marking (coloring) of combinations that contain at least one of the selected basic load cases has been introduced in the dialog for load combinations in the results elaboration module.
- The combinations that contain some, but not all, of the selected load cases are specially marked, and distinguished from the combinations that contain all of selected load cases.
- In the dialog for load combinations, names of combinations that are not "generic" (that do not correspond to the automatically generated name of the combination) are marked in the list of combinations.
- Added a command (button) with which the correct name is generated for selected combinations.
- In the dialog for load combinations, it is possible to move a group of rows up and down, when the selected rows form a continuous set.
- In the fields for quick selection of influences, for influences in slabs, for envelope load cases, a field for choosing to display the positive "+" or negative "-" side of the isoline diagram has been added.
- The possibility of two-color plotting of the influence in the cross-section of the plate has been introduced - it is possible for the diagram to have one color on one side and another color on the other side.
- The command for generating beams of thin-walled section has been supplemented with the option of selecting a beam, which defines the geometry and LKS
- A new Russian concrete regulation SNIP SP63 has been added
- Added "Report" option to Concrete design - Array of walls command.
- Changed command name: "Shear walls" became "Walls design (Shear walls)"
- In the command for reviewing the "Walls design", added command (by selecting from the menu) to perform a calculation or create a report at once for all or just selected entities of dimensioning of walls (seismic walls), dimensioning of a array of walls. The dialog shows the calculation status for the currently selected wall.
- A new command has been introduced - Overview of masonry walls. Masonry walls (brick walls) are no longer displayed in the "Wall dimensioning overview" along with concrete wall dimensionings but have their own overview command.
- From now on, the "composite view" can be made from just one (oblique) assembly. In this way, the influences in the oblique plane can be projected onto the XY plane. In such a case, the sign "*" is added to the name.
- The maximum length of the level description has been increased from 30 to 59 characters.
- Some names of EC2 regulations have been changed and aligned with the official names in the home countries.
- When drawing horizontal arched beams, the direction of local axis 1 is not automatically rotated, so that axis 2 is directed upwards and not downwards, due to the provision of conditions. This increases the user's ability to adjust the direction of the local coordinate system of arc entities.
- In the report for influences of line supports, the influence is not averaged, but the extreme values are taken
- Improvement of the algorithm for displaying the influence in indirect elements for the case that several columns from the same side at different angles enter one point. The way of calculating the impact for the indirect impacts of beams and the resultant of the reactions of the supports has been changed and improved.
- For several EC2-based regulations, the part for defining the algorithm of the procedure for calculating the influence of the second-order theory effects during buckling was removed from the dialog for the global input data of the beam dimensioning, because it referred to procedures that are not relevant for the EC8 regulation and unnecessarily caused confusion for the user
Beside this new features, this Build contains a quite number of bug-fixes and other smaller improvements.
Mar 18, 2021
Released Tower 8.4 (Build 8419) which brings a quite number of new features.
The most significant new features brought by this new version are: SAF Import and Export (Structural Analysis Format) which enables whole model exchange with programs SCIA, Archicad, Allplan, RISA, FRILO, Strusoft, Axis VM, Dlubal, Sofistik, SCAD, LIRA land, IDEA StatiCa, comprehensive program adjustment for work on computers with multiple monitors and for work on high-resolution monitors, added function in report editor for automatic preservation of texts readability in rotated blocks, enabled change of the zone of the slab reinforcement area, added new seismic code NTC 2018 (Italian),...
Complete list of new features in this update is:
- SAF Import and Export. SAF (Structural Analysis Format) is a format for exchanging data between structural analysis software. SAF was created on the basis of an initiative from the Nemetschek Group and the current structural analysis software participating are SCIA, Graphisoft, Allplan, RISA, FRILO, Strusoft, Axis VM, Dlubal, Sofistik, SCAD, LIRA land, Radimpex and IDEA StatiCa
- Comprehensive program adjustment for work on computers with multiple monitors and for work on high-resolution monitors with text scaling greater than 100%
- In report creation module, in addition to the existing orientations of the Portrait and Landscape blocks, two new orientations were introduced - Portrait(-) and Landscape(-) (180 and 270 degrees of rotation).
- In report creation module added function for automatic setting the orientation of texts in rotated blocks in order to preserve readability (Dialog for Report Formatting, tab: Text)
- Enabled change of the zone of the slab reinforcement area and copying the reinforcement area from one zone to another. (in the command for editing sets of reinforcement areas)
- A new "Merge" function has been introduced in the dialog for editing hiding lists, which will enable to unite hidden status of entities of one hiding group with other groups.
- Added new seismic regulation - Italian – NTC2018
- The Swiss seismic regulation has been updated and is harmonized with the changes of SIA 261 – 2020.
- Dialogs for 'Influence in beams' and 'Load combinations' become resizeable.
- A change in the algorithm for determining the perimeter of the penetration of slabs at the end of the wall. The depth of the perimeter corresponds to the length of the entire edge zone of the wall.
- In the combination scheme for Eurocode regulations, the algorithm of the Unite function has been improved and it is possible to combine loads of different types. Combined loads always appear together and with the same state of dominance.
- Rearranged dialog for Functionality - the group "Dimensioning" was added to the main dialog and 5 items from the results were transferred to it.
- In the Set Control command, multiple selection is enabled for the needs of the color generation function so that colors are generated only for selected sets.
- When importing from a DXF file, it is possible to select the AutoCAD unit of measure. (it doesn't have to be just 1ACU = 1m anymore)
- A new variant of color generation when plotting full isolines of influence in surface entities - "Symmetrical in relation to zero" where the same color refers to the same range of both positive and negative values.
Beside this new features, this Build contains a large number of improvements, optimizations and bug-fixes.
Oct 08, 2020
Released Tower 8.3 (Build 8324) which brings a quite number of new features
The most significant innovations brought by this new version are: improvement of IFC compatibility including IFC export command (still in development), improvement of load combination generation algorithm, export of usability limit state combinations from combination scheme, improvement and new configuration in graphical display parameters, improvement in form and the display of some reports, a new possibility of setting the line load on the beams in accordance with the LKS beams and many others ... The more detailed list of new features brought by the new version are:
- A new command has been introduced - "IFC Export", which enables the exporting of models (slabs, walls, beams and columns) and a network of finite elements in an IFC file. The command is in development stage.
- Significant improvement in import from IFC files. The IfcPluPlus library is now used. It allows IFC files of all versions and formats to be loaded, and import is several times faster and recognizes a far greater number of ways to define entity geometry.
- Capacity Design is also enabled if the seismic calculation is performed with the EC8 Lateral Forces Method.
- The option has been introduced to return to its previous zoom state when returning to a previously visited 2D view. In the window layout dialog, there is a switch to turn on this mode.
- A new feature for defining linear loads - setting the linear load in the direction of the local coordinate system of the beam on which the linear load lays.
- This method is only possible if all the specified lines are on the beams, over their entire length.
- Added option of adding a remarks in sets of surface, line and point supports and connections. It is also enabled to display remarks in set control legends. A check box has been added to the set control dialog to turn on the display of remarks.
- Improved algorithm for generating load combinations in the dialog for load combinations (adapted for a large number of basic load cases)
- For EC2-based regulations, enabled geneartion and export of Usability Limit State from combination scheme dialog. The combinations for the Usability Limit State that refers to the sum of long-term and short-term part.
- The modal analysis dialog now displays a note / explanation in case of simultaneous use of set multipliers and multipliers in advanced options.
- Enabled partial copying of drawing parameters (separately screen parameters and separately paper parameters) from a saved configuration to the current configuration.
- In concrete design SRPS EN codes, changed the default name for reinforcement to B500
- Improved algorithm that calculates the width of tables in reports when the option "font type affects table width" is enabled
- The tables should be slightly narrower now than in previous versions, but wide enough to show the complete content.
- Concrete design - calculation of cross-section - enables approximate consideration of the influence of buckling.
- Implemented Copying of a graphic block to the clipboard at Ctrl + C.
- Enabled option for choosing between 3 different sizes of line spacing in the report.
- Enhancement in the file storage system that contains the report, which allows the report to be larger than 2 GB. The new system is fully compatible with the old report file format.
- A safer algorithm for automatic report defragmentation has been implemented and the criteria for performing automatic defragmentation have been changed.
- Improvements in the appearance and form of seismic reports, modal analysis reports, and beam set reports.
- Improvement in the load combination scheme. A special mode of creating independent sets of combinations has been introduced in case there are several permanent loads with mutual exclusion.
- For EC2-based codes, global adjustment of the value of the coefficient of displacement of the tensile force line is enabled. Default value for Eurocode regulations 1,125
- Reconciliation of text reports of results. As of version 8.3, multimodal seismic and SRSS load cases are treated as duplicates, so the reports are adjusted accordingly.
- Separate commands were created for dimensioning influences in 3D, dimensioning extremes and set control (commands that have their own icons)
- Optimization and improvement in beam reports for all load cases. Due to the reduced amount of memory, reports should be generated faster.
- A new configuration of drawing parameters - "Standard" was created and included in the installation
- Enable drawing of a out-of-domain (arrow) cursor filled - for better visibility on high-resolution monitors.
- Several new configurations of drawing parameters for color printing have been created and included in the installation: "Default - Color Print", "Dark - Color Print" and "Standard - Color Print"
- A new configuration of report parameters was created and included in the installation: "Standard"
Beside this new features, this Build contains a large number of improvements, optimizations and bug-fixes.
Jul 09, 2020
Tower 8 Build 8255 has been released.
This is a service build and contains a bypass of problem occurring on computers with Windows 10 Version 2004 (May 2020 Update) related with regular program freezes during some commands for report generation.
The very same code which causes program freezing is implemented in Tower 6, Tower 7 and Tower 8 and worked flawlessly in a past 13 years on Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 prior May 2020 update (Version 2004).
Beside that, this Build contains an installation package for installing Sentinel Hasp drivers compatible with Windows 10 Version 2006. It was noticed that older Sentinel Hasp drivers could cause occurrence of BSOD (blue screen)
Jul 06, 2020
Tower 7 Build 7665 has been released. See Download section of this site for download.
This is a service build and contains a bypass of problem occurring on computers with Windows 10 Version 2004 (May 2020 Update) related with regular program freezes during some commands for report generation.
The very same code which causes program freezing is implemented in Tower 6, Tower 7 and Tower 8 and worked flawlessly in a past 13 years on Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 prior May 2020 update (Version 2004).
Beside that, this Build contains an installation package for installing Sentinel Hasp drivers compatible with Windows 10 Version 2006. It was noticed that older Sentinel Hasp drivers could cause occurrence of "BSOD" (the blue screen)
Feb 20, 2020
Tower 8.2 (Build 8252) has been released
The most important new features are: new regulation for concrete design SRPS EN 1992-1-1 and accelerated orbit in rendered 3D view and improved the responsiveness of orbit and zoom in 2D and 3D views.
Complete list of new features of this new version is:
- Added new regulation for concrete design SRPS EN 1992-1-1. In this regulation, the default value for αcc is 0.85
- Accelerated orbit in rendered 3D view and improved the responsiveness of orbit and zoom in 2D and 3D views.
- In the buckling lengths calculation, the multipliers from the static model (if used) of the bending strength of the beams / columns about axes 2 and 3 are also taken into account.
- The name of the code is displayed in the slab punching control report.
- Influence names have been harmonized in the timber design according to Eurocode regulations - the suffix "ed" added and the name of regulation is displayed.
- In the Brick Wall Stress Control Report, the influence names changed ("Msd" to "Med").
- In slab punching control, user defined value of alfa cc was not taken into account
- From now on, deleting or changing SRSS combinations will erase the results of the slabs punching controls that are affected by this change, to prevent program crashes when preparing reports. (3907)
- Correction of the error in the slab punching control report generation if previously calculated for the current load case (anvelope type) that caused the program to crash if the current load case was non-anvelope type.
- Corrected the error in displaying results in 3D view in 32-bit version of program with DirectX 7 turned on when the program occasionally got stuck.
- When adding a building stage to a model that was already reinforced with reinforcement areas, the reinforcement areas remained in its current (not the last the last) stage and could not be utilized anymore.
- It is now ensured that areas of reinforcement always belong in the last stage of construction
- In Dialog for supports added Tooltips for displaying units for supports stiffness property.
Feb 13, 2020
Tower 7 Build 7662 has been released.
This Build, beside several minor fixes, in EC2 EN based codes were added an option for setting the coefficient αcc - a coefficient which takes into account the long-term effects on the strength of concrete...
This is a more detailed list of changes and fixes in this Build:
- in EC2 EN based codes, added option for setting the coefficient αcc - a coefficient which takes into account the long-term effects on the strength of concrete
- correction of error in the algorithm for calculating the flection according to EC2 EN regulation. The data ζ (ceta) was calculated according to the crack calculation procedure, which in some cases led to a smaller deviation in the obtained flection results.
- Fixed problem in generating a report for surface load defined by "Wizard" when the load contour was extremely narrow and high - reporting a "Page layout not satisfactory" message.
- Error correction in moving load analysis. In the case that the moving load contained surface
- loads with dimensions smaller than the size of one finite element, the load was distributed as if
- it acted all over the finite element, so greater influences were obtained.
Nov 19, 2019
Released of Tower 8.2 (Build 8222) which brings a quite number of new features
The most important new features are: New families of steel profiles (UPE and UP), change of mode of diagrams display for multimodal seismic load cases and their combinations, diagram of percent of reinforcement of beams, improvement of command resultant reaction, new type of render - realistic render and more ... Complete list of new features of this new version is:
- Two new profile families have been added, UPE and UP. An auxiliary profile database (Tower_8200UPE. $Prf) was included in the program installation, which contains two groups of profiles. The export of these profiles to Metal Studio will be realized in the very next Build of Metal Studio.
- In SRSS or multimodal seismic load case, a change in the way of displaying influences was made. From now on, the influences are shown as two-valued, represented as two-sided diagrams, because they represent the range of influence and not just the positive value.
- Display of diagram of percentage of reinforcement of beams / columns and display of maximum and minimum value of percentage of reinforcement per beam / column for required and adopted reinforcement.
- In the dialogs for reviewing slab’s cross-section influences, slab punching control, wall design and proxy entity design, is enabled switching the visibility of the entities being reviewing, as well as multiple selection.
- New command introduced – proxy entity review.
- The Set Control command can now display and sort entities according to the material used in design (concrete, steel, wood)
- Improvement of the command "Resultant if the reaction". Now it provides graphical presentation and reporting.
- Enabled creation, display and report of the interaction diagram in proxy entity design.
- Introduced display of the direction of the resultant transverse force in the plates (forces perpendicular to the plane of the plate)
- A new way of displaying the model in 3D is introduced - a realistic rendering. It is a kind of full render with contour edge highlighting.
- In the dimensioning of the beams according toEC8 EN (Capacity Design), arbitrary setting of beam‘s clear length is enabled.
- A more accurate method of calculating the accidental eccentricity of the storey mass in seismic calculation was introduced.
- Improvement in the algorithm for determining of seismic wall‘s moment envelope (EC8 EN) for obtaining a optimal envelope at the expense of a minimal increase in extreme bending moment.
- Remarks column has been added to the slabs and beam sets dialogs. The set remarks will be displayed in slabs and beam set control dialog, visibility by sets dialog and the beam set report.
- A change in the algorithm for determining the stiffness of an elastic bond with a partial (percentage-set) release. The linear function for determining the stiffness is replaced by an exponential one. Refers to boundary conditions in the slab, beam releases and connections.
- In the case where particular configuration is missing at the destination, it is copied during installation and in cases where the preserving of the old configuration files is selected. This is also done in case of quick installation.
- In the optimization of dimensioning of steel girders with optimization of the cross-section selection, sorting of columns in the dialogue is enabled.
- Implemented obtaining a value of influence „Ns with width” in the cross section in slabs for SRSS or multimodal seismic load case or combination of loads with them.
- Acceleration in an algorithm for sizing a series of walls in an optimal way to load and determine the influences in each section of the wall.
- Enabled concrete design of the proxy entity in case all the reinforcement lines are defined as “adopted reinforcement”. (in this case the program does not calculate the required reinforcement but only do the control of the known reinforcement)
- Improvement in the command for displaying stress in cross section of a beam – enabled selection of a reference point with a mouse and implemented quick selection of characteristic points.
- In the dialog for setting the mode of reinforcement in the proxy entity, multiple selection and assignment of values to the right mouse click are enabled.
- Implemented layer locking of the auxiliary axes - auxiliary axes whose layers are locked cannot be deleted, changed or moved.
- Added Report generation for sets and contours of point and line Links in the "Construction" section of the Report editor.
- In the dimensioning of beams / columns according to EC8 EN (Capacity Design), enabled setting of γRD over-strength coefficients for beams and columns, separately for the DCM and DCH model
- Displaying the proxy entity’s coordinate system in the dialog and report
- In EC2 EN based codes, added option for setting the coefficient αcc - a coefficient which takes into account the long-term effects on the strength of concrete.
- Modification of concrete names for EC2 EN based regulations. Instead of C12, C16, C20… the marks C12 / 15, C16 / 20, C20 / 25 are now being introduced. The change applies only to the first installations on a single computer, since the existing configuration files of the user will not be changed.
- From now, the SRSS combination of seismic load cases used for Capacity Design, except two seismic load cases for horizontal actions, may contain a third, for vertical action.
- In EC8 EN based regulations, it is enabled to define value for avg / ag and define seismic spectra for the vertical effect of an earthquake.
- Enabled saving of proxy entity reinforcement input data to configuration file. The proxy entities with the same geometries will be able to use one of the previously recorded reinforcement input data configurations.
- When generating txt report for beams it is possible to take into account only the forces at the ends and not from the inner nodes.
- In the general command for defining a poly line, in the sub command “Offset” added reusing previously defined value for offsetting.
Beside this new features, this Build contains a large number of improvements, optimizations and bug-fixes.