Dec 17, 2024

Released new ArmCAD 7 - Build 7149. See Download section of this site for download.
Since this Build, ArmCAD 7 (B25) is compatible with BricsCAD v25.
In addition, this Build contains several fixes for minor issues reported by users.
Jun 13, 2024

Released new ArmCAD 7 - Build 7133.
Since this Build, ArmCAD 7 (A25) is compatible with AutoCAD 2025.
In addition, this Build contains several fixes for minor issues reported by users.
Dec 06, 2023

Released new ArmCAD 7 - Build 7124.
Since this Build, ArmCAD 7 (B24) is compatible with BricsCAD v24.
In addition, this Build contains several fixes for minor issues reported by users.
Jun 03, 2023

Released new ArmCAD 7 - Build 7121.
Since this Build, ArmCAD 7 (A21) is compatible with AutoCAD 2024.
In addition, this Build contains several fixes for minor issues reported by users.
Dec 06, 2022

Released ArmCAD 7.1 (Build 7115) which brings a quite number of new features and bugfixes.
The most significant updates brought by this version are: a new "Forms Browser" command, a new "Fixed Couplings" connector type, a new visibility filter, and another major improvement in mesh cutting plan optimization, as well as a number of fixes to the problems seen so far.
Since this Build, ArmCAD 7 can also work under BricsCAD v23.
Complete list of new features in this update is:
- New functionality - New command: "Forms Browser". It represents a floating dialog that is used to display and modify the current form and to execute several functions related to changing the visibility and displaying reports for the current form. The command is available in all AutoCAD versions and BricsCAD versions from v21 and later.
- New functionality – new type of couplings - Fixed couplings. These are rebar continuation couplings that are delivered already installed at the ends of the rods. In the program, those couplings is marked as "Couplings*" and is an integral part of the bar items.
- New functionality – A new visibility filter added in Visibility dialog „Only instances with 'Both Side' set“ (applies to bars, meshes, and constructive reinforcement)
- Improvement of functionality - a new improvement in the creation of the cutting plan has been made, which can make a significant saving and increase the utilization of mesh reinforcement.
- Fixed a bug that occurred after the Item mark change command. In some cases, when a Bar Item was transferred to another form over an existing Bar Item, the Bar Item that changed form remained in its old form.
- Fixed an issue with incorrect font selection used to print column descriptions in a report exported to a drawing.
- Fixed a bug in the command for extracting the cross-section that manifested itself in the incorrect arrangement of cut longitudinal reinforcement in the case that the cross-section includes two or more stirrups.
- Changed and fixed the default position of the main label of the bar specifier with 3D geometry.
- Fixed determining the most suitable transformation for displaying bar specifiers with 3D geometry.
- Fixed an issue that caused the drawing to be unable to load if it contained mesh reinforcement that had pieces smaller than the tolerance in the cutting plane.
- Fixed a bug in the Import Configuration Files from Configuration Files Archive (*.acf) command that did not work when the ACF contained ArmCAD 6 configuration files.
- Enabled automatic import of configuration files from both AutoCAD and BricsCAD versions (B21, B22 and B22 and A21).
- Correction of an error in the Summary recapitulation command that occurred if the "Recapitulation by formwork" report was enabled in the current file. In that case report of the current formwork is unnecessarily displayed in the summary recapitulation report.
- Fixed an issue that caused the program to crash when generating a report in the case that a spiral bar item with incorrect geometry existed.(when the spiral pitch was longer than the lenght).
- Cross-sectional view of the mesh in meshes specification report- for this column, it is possible to change the units and the number of decimal places for writing the lengths of the segments.
- Correction of double printing of strut table, both with the Bars - Recap report and with the Threads and Fasteners - Recap report.
- Fixed an issue with the Cross Section editing dialog when editing is not working in case that DCS (Display Coordinate System) was moved from the default position.
- Fixed problem with associative dimension-lines in BricsCAD.
- The change that was made fixes the behavior for the Cross Section entity.
- Fixed view transformation for drawing a variable position in the report to match the selected view in the position database in the report settings view.
- Fixed a problem with gripping the small position markers on the ends of the bars. The small position markers could only be moved if no other grip points were selected.
- Correction of the functioning of the Summary recapitulation for the SNIP code. In some cases, the program crashed.
- Fixed a problem when stretching bar symbol on a constant series in a plan view, so that when the bar symbol no longer intersects with the series line, it does not pop the symbol out of the series.
- In the dialog for setting rare layout in series, a symbol is now visible indicating that there is a menu for selecting presets for rarely layouts of bars in a series.
Jul 12, 2022

Released new ArmCAD 7 - Build 7069.
Since this Build, it is possible to create bent mesh specification reports with displayed bending shape and bend marking, a major improvement was made to the cutting plan algorithm, an improvement/fix of the algorithm for displaying the 3D bar in the specification report, and several other new features, improvements, and fixes.
Here is the complete list of changes in this Build:
- New functionality - Bent meshes - creation of bent mesh specifications report enabled (with drawing of bending shape and with marking of bending in the cutting plan).
- New functionality - In the dialog for manual creation of a variable position (which opens from the dialog Base positions) – added option for defining parameters Fna and Fnb (arc arrows), which enables defining arc function for a segment lenght change.
- New functionality - The ability to insert an empty line in seven reports has been added. A blank line is inserted between chapters of different forms.
- An improvement was made to the general algorithm for creating a cutting plan. Now, even in this procedure, rectangular dents inside the pieces themselves can be used, which can lead to greater utilization and less waste.
- Improving the algorithm to determine a good transformation for displaying a 3D bar in a specification.
- Correction of a bug when extracting crosssections, due to which the cross-section could not be extracted from some beam crosssections, or the cross-section extraction caused the program to crash.
- A change related to increasing the stability of the program when drawing a drawing that has external references - this is a situation when several drawings are opened at the same time.
- Fixed a bug due to which the bar end grip did not work if there was a pointer with a + sign at the end of the bar.
- Correction of an error when turning off certain reports of the recapitulation of the network by formwork, when "New page for each formwork" was turned off.
- Fixed drawing of scaled mesh specificator in section. Values in labels were displayed scaled.
May 04, 2022

Released new ArmCAD 6 - Build 6336. See Download section of this site for download.
Since this Build, ArmCAD 6 is compatible with AutoCAD 2023.
In addition, this Build contains several minor fixes.[more]
Here is the complete list of changes in this Build:
- The A21 variant of ArmCAD 6 now supports AutoCAD 2023
- fixed a problem that could have caused the program to crash during the work in the meshes cutting plan report.
- correction of a problem that could have caused the program to crash when importing meshes from the Tower
- in some cases the drawing was not automatically refreshed after the trim and extend
- correction of problem when extracting the cross-section of the series in the plan view where the width was less than the lenght of the symbol on the series, which caused the rotation of the symbols.
- in the formwork dialog, column for ordinal numbers is extended
Feb 28, 2022

ARMCAD 7 - the new generation of our reinforcement drawing program has just been released
We would like to inform you that the new generation of our reinforcement drawing program has just been released.
ARMCAD 7 was created as a result of our many years of work on the development of the ARMCAD 6 program and represents its comprehensive improvement and enables a faster, easier and more accurate process of drawing reinforcement details.
A document with more detailed information on the new features of ArmCAD 7 can be downloaded here:
A functional DEMO version of ARMCAD 7 can be downloaded from the download page.
Dec 22, 2021

Released new ArmCAD 6 - Build 6336.
Since this Build, ArmCAD 6 is compatible with BricsCAD v22.
In addition, this Build contains several minor fixes, the most important of which are: fixing the cause of program crashes when deleting entities in BricsCAD, fixing incorrect drag-mode of series in a section view, displaying correct units in the meshes cutting plan when exporting to RTF.[more]
Here is the complete list of changes in this Build:
- correction of problems with not displaying the bar diameter when a item change is made over a specially formatted position
- corrected issue when exporting the cutting plan report to RTF, the dimensions of the meshes were displayed in meters and not in units specified by the user (in case the option "Print formwork on a new page" was enabled)
- in Autocads localized to another language (eg Russian) there was a problem with internal selection commands (for example in commands „Label”, or „Section pursue”) that could not be used. The problem was in Autocad and we made a workaround.
- correction of an issue when making a bar with a geometry that already exists (drawn in the opposite direction). If it was choosen to use the existing position, the position of the new bar was changed.
- correction of copy-paste series in longitudinal and cross section. During the drag, the series was shown in the wrong place. (Occurrence only observed in 2021 and 2022 versions of AutoCAD only)
- fixed an error that caused a program to crash when deleting a large number of entities at once. Crash occurred only in BricsCAD versions.
- correction of an error that occurs when copy-paste (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V) parts of a drawing from one drawing to another. The problem occurred only in the versions for AutoCAD 2010-2016.
Apr 15, 2021

Released new ArmCAD 6 - Build 6330.
Since this Build, program ArmCAD 6 is compatible with AutoCAD 2022.
The most important new feature of this Build is imprevement in algorithm for optimizing meshes cutting plan. Except thise, this Build contains a couple of bug fixes.